Kimberly Hanson-Romo has been a certified practicing Theta Healerâ for the past ten years. Kimberly was 30 years old when diagnosed with cervical cancer. Her physician tried several conventional western medical treatments to cure her condition. Without success, and as a last resort, she was scheduled for a total hysterectomy. However, she wanted children, so this surgery was not an option for her. She learned about an alternative holistic approach called ThetaHealing®, and scheduled an appointment.
After her healing, she returned to her medical physician, tests were taken and her surgery was cancelled. Kimberly’s diagnosis was changed from “cancer” to “cancer free”. Today, ten years later, Kimberly is still “cancer free” and has a perfect five year old son, Landon. With the blessing of Kimberly’s healing, she decided to devote her life to becoming a theta healer herself. She is now passing this amazing blessing forward to others who also could receive and benefit from these healings.
Kimberly is certified in the following ThetaHealing® courses; Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Manifesting and Abundance, Disease and Disorders, Intuitive Anatomy, Past Life Regressions, and DNA 3. Kimberly has also been a certified teacher in ThetaHealing® since 2003 and currently has a full time ThetaHealing® practice in Modesto, California. Kimberly has personally been a part of and has witnessed over two thousand healings.
Kimberly also has had careers in law enforcement and insurance enabling her to help others resolve their challenges and crises of everyday life. These careers have provided her with grounded practical problem solving and communicative skills that continue to serve her well in her ThetaHealing® practices as well as her teaching.
Kimberly feels she has many blessings in her life. However, she feels that one of her greatest blessings would be her ability to witness the healings of others and be a part of the spiritual bridging and balancing of peoples ‘everyday lives through ThetaHealing®.