
Courses 2


Intuitive Anatomy

Basic and Advanced DNA

Anatomical Chart Book & Vianna’s Intuitive Anatomy Manual

The Intuitive Anatomy Class is an in-depth journey of discovery that takes Theta Healing® Practitioners through the Body Intuitive, allowing them to intimately and intuitively meet the organs and systems. The student will discover the emotions and Beliefs that are inherent in the body. This class offers healing to the bodies systems through the release of accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the Beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. Students have ample time for self-healing and work with other class members to clear limiting Beliefs. This is the class for the serious Theta Healing® Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using Theta Healing®. This class offers practical information on physical anatomy with movies shown each day from Body Story by Discovery.

In the IA Class the Theta Healing® Instructor guides the student to:

Introduce the student to the magic of the human body.
Learn that disease and disorders go hand in hand with the demonstration of emotions.
Come to the realization that emotions are signals that the body is out of balance.
Discover new emotional Programs and Beliefs that are attached to every body system.
Understand how much space is taken up by negative emotions.
Know the specific beliefs that come with diseases.
Practice seeing into the body with body scans.
Honor the client’s free agency.

The clearer students become, the easier it is for them to work on their clients, and themselves. In each system, the student will encounter emotions, challenges and issues that they’ve carried for a very long time. This class is designed for the Creator to groom healers. The friendships that come out of this class can be forever.



Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, & Intuitive Anatomy the more classes completed the better understanding and more prepared you will be for this class

DNA 3 Manual

DNA 3 is the long awaited class for advanced Theta Healing® students.
DNA 3 is the knowledge of how to move and change non-organic and organic matter, as well as how to work with the mitochondria to have instant healings.
In the DNA 3 class, students learn the awareness that we can step out of your own paradigm and get instant healings using the mitochondria of the DNA.
DNA 3 is to master the knowing that everyone is creating their reality, and with the proper knowledge can step out of it at will.
DNA 3 is when the Energetic-DNA has learned all it can and it is presented to the Creator to show what has been learned.

Class Criterion
• Line Up the Eternal Molecules
• Deeper Resentment Work
• Water Exercise
• Healing any Illness
• The Force Field that holds objects in place.
• Know Thyself – Belief Work
• Create your future
• Spiritual Bi-location-To instantly travel from one place to another.
• The Power of Words and thoughts manifesting instantly.
• Changing the weather
• Finding and balancing your element.


Theta Healing® Disease & Disorders

Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, and Intuitive Anatomy

Vianna’s Theta Healing® Disease and Disorder Book

This class is to prepare and certify Theta Healing® practitioners for the Theta Healing® Master Title. The Book Theta Healing® Diseases and Disorders was created for this class in 2007 with over 400 pages of insights from the founder’s 47,000 Readings.
On the first day, the student will receive the Diseases and Disorders book. Every day for two weeks, the instructor will work with the students on their blocks of working with different diseases. They also discusses the diseases they are familiar with, to give insights into the physical, mental and emotional components of illnesses. Upon completion, the Theta Healing® Practitioner will be one step closer to their Theta Healing® Master title. Encompassing heavy metal poisoning, the body systems, over 100 diseases and disorders, covering herbs and minerals, this class is definitely for the alternative professional.
The Theta Healing® Practitioner will be taught an in-depth understanding of disease from an intuitive perspective.
The Theta Healing® Practitioner will discover the hidden Belief Systems they have towards disease that may be impeding their abilities to heal illness in others and themselves. It is still what we believe inside that makes the difference.
How Feelings, Emotions, Beliefs and Programs influence how we behave and have dramatic affects on the body’s well being, even on a cellular level.
Learn the Programs, Belief Systems, intuitive insights, remedies and supplements that have been found to be of value as they pertain to certain diseases and disorders.


World Relations

Theta Healing® Basic, Advanced Class, and Intuitive Anatomy or
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Basic Teachers, and Advanced Teachers

2 Theta Healing® World Relations Manuals

The Theta Healing® World Relations Course focuses on specific cultures and beliefs to trigger present and past issues with races, religions, and people. Once these belief issues come to light, the hidden hatreds and resentment that goes back centuries will be released. This will allow the participants to embrace and accept the people and cultures of the world with true unconditional love.

Day  One and Two are focused on the countries of the world with an overview of their beliefs and customs. The students will participate in hands-on Belief Work to find and release negative feelings and programs of other cultures and people around the world.

Day  Three is focused on belief structures and functionality of the Alternative Healing business world.

Day  Four and Five focus on the religions of the world, their beliefs, and the acceptance of them with true unconditional love.

In this day and age the world has become a much smaller place. Cultures are much more able to come into contact due to plane travel and the information age. Because of this, we have a pressing need to understand and accept other cultures. Students that took the first World Relations Class were surprised at how many negative unconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions came to light in the Belief Work sessions. In many instances, these were genetic beliefs attached to fear, hatred and anger towards other countries, lands and their people that they never knew they had. The World Relations Course is a powerful tool for removing inner and outer conflict in yourself towards others.


Rainbow Children


Vianna’s Rainbow Children Manual

Our world is blessed with Rainbow Children, Teens, Young Adults that are intuitively gifted individuals who are extremely loving, with memories of other times and places, who bring with them infinite love and patience. They are wise souls offering new wisdom and possessing the ability to change the world around them. They are sensitive, compassionate and aware of others’ feelings.

 Indigo Children ushered in a new age and can be influenced by negativity around them, but can now shift to Rainbow Children.
Rainbow Children classes are designed for them, their parents, caregivers and teachers. This remarkable program will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others.
You will go on an adventure and learn how to connect to the Creator: then learn a wide range of Theta Healing® techniques such as how to do the belief work and how to create positive feelings; empathic readings; healings of the body and the soul; guided meditations; future and guardian readings.
Through the Seven Planes of Existence students will learn wonderful ways to communicate with angels and plants; how to heal with crystals; how to connect to power animals; drumming and totems, plus develop their telekinesis; and know how to change auras and heal animals.
You will know how to teach sixteen lessons to groups 7-11 year old children, 12-15 year old teens, 16-22 year old young adults and Theta Healing® practitioners.


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